Kieran Support Services was established in 1990.
We are Asian Women Empowering Asian Women for over 30 years.
We provide safe supported housing to South Asian women and children. Our support is provided in a culturally sensitive, non-judgemental manner by Asian women to Asian women in their own language. We can provide refuge accommodation to other women who may identify similarities with us through language, culture or religion.
We provide a free and confidential immigration advice service to Asian women only who have suffered domestic abuse. Our immigration advice is provided by a dedicated regulated (OISC Level 3) immigration advisor who is fluent in some South Asian languages. We provide free advice and representation in immigration applications under the domestic violence rules (SET DV). This includes applications under the domestic violence concession (DDVC).
Children Services
“Sometimes we used to make paper aeroplanes and throw them out of our window. We thought someone might pick them up and come to help us.”
The words of two brothers
we supported in our refuge.
We provide support and guidance for children and young people staying in our refuges and for those living in the wider community. We recognise the impact that experiencing and/or witnessing domestic abuse will have upon children and young people.
We understand the emotional and psychological harm an abusive relationship can cause. Managing and looking after one's mental health is key to recovery. We are committed to providing counselling to our service users in either a South-Asian language or English; whichever a survivor feels most comfortable and confident with.
Bespoke Training
We provide bespoke training packages to organisations seeking information and training in relation to domestic abuse in their relevant sector.
If you are interested, please click on the 'read more' button.
Preparing to Leave
We will help you to leave your abusive relationship. If you are someone experiencing domestic abuse it is important you think about how you will leave. Click on 'read more' for more information.
Community Support
Our Community Support provides free confidential advice to South Asian women and children who have experienced domestic abuse.
Court Order
We can help you to obtain specialist family legal advice. Emergency injunction and protective orders can be applied for to protect you and your children. During the current pandemic, the family courts are working very hard to avoid physical hearings and are arranging telephone or video hearings where possible.
CALL US NOW ON 020 8558 1986
Phone lines are open Monday - Friday : 9.30 am - 4.30 pm
We remain open
Over three decades we have set up three refuges supporting Asian women. All are named 'light', demonstrating to all women that with our support we will help shine light on their lives.